Habitudes Survey

Thanks for completing this survey.

Here's what you need to know before you begin.

1. There is no "right" or "wrong" answers. This is not for a grade.
2. There is no time limit.
3. Your responses will be anonymous and will never be connected to you as an individual.
4. Feel free to ask questions at any point as you complete the survey items.

This survey will ask questions that will help us understand the way students think about certain topics. Please read each statement carefully and answer as honestly as possible.

Thanks again for answering these questions and helping us on this project!

Question Title

* 1. Imagine that you get to be the teacher for the day. You care deeply for your students you are passionate about helping them become super engaged in what they are learning. You also want to make sure that the students are inspired to be better people as a result of taking a class with you. You have the opportunity to make a big impact on their lives by helping them succeed in school and in their personal lives. In the box below, describe what your classroom would be like. Think about what you might do to make the topic extremely engaging for your students, and how would you help them learn the topic in a way that will really stick with them.