Welcome! The Maine Community Foundation will be working with leadership development programs over the course of the next year to help them build capacity for their work. We will examine curriculum and delivery, alumni engagement, assessing the impact of leadership development programs, and networking and coordination across programs and organizations in the leadership development field.

This survey is designed to inform our work by helping us better understand your leadership development needs, as an employer making decisions about your employees' leadership development programming. We want to understand your experience with leadership programs in Maine, and hear more about what you hope leadership programs will provide for your employees. We are also interested in learning about the compelling leadership characteristics of your current and future leaders.

Please note that your responses will be kept confidential and will not be used in any funding decisions. They will be used only for the purposes of informing and helping to shape our capacity building work with the leadership programs.

We thank you in advance for your help with this important work!

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* 1. What is the name of your company/organization?

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* 2. What is your title?

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* 3. Please tell us how many employees you have:

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* 4. Are you for-profit or non-profit organization?

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* 5. Have any of your employees completed any of the following leadership programs? Check all that apply.

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* 6. Do you have a formal in-house leadership development program? Or a program you access through a national affiliate?

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* 7. Do you formally recommend that employees participate in leadership programs, or do they generally decide independently whether to participate in a program?

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* 8. Do you have financial assistance available for leadership development for employees? (check all that apply)

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* 9. What are the most important skills you hope your employees will gain from a leadership development program? Choose up to five.

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* 10. Please list the top leadership characteristics of your organization's strongest leaders. Share up to three.

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* 11. What are the top leadership characteristics your organization is seeking in your next generation of leaders? List up to three.

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* 12. How important are the following aspects of leadership programs for you, in making decisions about what to promote/provide to your employees?

  Most important Very important Important Somewhat important Not at all important
Time commitment
Relevance to current job
Relevance to future job opportunities within the company/organization
Whether program is inspirational
Networking opportunities
Opportunities to work on a team
Self-assessment activities
Problem solving activities
Conflict resolution exercises
Development of personal or professional plans for improvement
General development of leadership skills
Employee retention boosted by professional development benefit

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* 13. Do you think your employees could benefit from a 'graduate level' leadership development program? By graduate level we mean a 'leadership 2.0' style program that builds on programs they have participated in.

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* 14. Have staff or directors of leadership programs in Maine reached out to you as an employer in any of the following ways?