Game Theme based instructional module based on SALG

Question Title

* 1. As a result of your work in using GTI modules in this class, what GAINS DID YOU MAKE in your UNDERSTANDING of each of the following?

  no gains a little gain moderate gain good gain great gain
The main concepts explored in this class
The relationships between the main concepts
The linked list concepts explored in the GTI modules.
The binary tree concepts explored in this GTI modules
understanding of inorder, preorder and postorder traversal of binary tree
understanding of doubly linked list and circular linked list.
How ideas from this class relate to ideas encountered in other classes within this subject area
 How ideas from this class relate to ideas in classes outside of this subject area.

Question Title

* 2. Please comment on HOW YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE SUBJECT HAS CHANGED as a result of using GTI modules in this class.

Question Title

* 3. Please comment on how the GTI modules help you remember the key ideas of the content.

Question Title

* 4. HOW MUCH did each of the following aspects of the class HELP YOUR LEARNING?

  no help a little help moderate help much help great help
Attending lectures
Participating in discussions during class
listening to discussions during class
Using the GTI modules
working with the classmates

Question Title

* 5.  Please comment on how CLASS ACTIVITIES helped your learning.

Question Title

* 6. As a result of your work of using GTI modules in this class in this class, what GAINS DID YOU MAKE in the following SKILLS?

  no gains a little gain moderate gain good gain great gain
write an algorithm involving the functions of linked list.
write a program involving the functions of linked list.
write an algorithm of involving the functions of linked list.
traversing of binary tree.
write an algorithm of involving the functions of binary tree.
 Work efficiently with others.
Asking questions in class
Answering questions in class

Question Title

* 7. what to except to be able to do at the end of the course that you are not able to do now.

Question Title

* 8. As a result of your work in using GTI modules in this class, what GAINS DID YOU MAKE in your INTEREST and ATTITUDES of each of the following?

  no gains a little gain moderate gain good gain great gain
Enthusiasm for the computer science.
Enthusiasm for the programming.
interest in computer science.
Interest in discussing about game based learning with friends and family.
Interest in discussing about linked list or binary trees with peers .
 Interest in taking or planning to take additional classes in computer science.
Interest in taking or planning to take additional classes in programming.
Confidence that I understand the material
Confidence that I can do computer science
Willing to seek help from others (e.g., teachers, peers, TA) when working on problem and assignments.

Question Title

* 9. Please comment on your level of interest in computer science.

Question Title

* 10. Please comment on your level of interest in gaming.

Question Title

* 11. Please rate your level of agreement to the following experience so far in this class.

  strongly disagree. disagree. neither agree nor disagree. agree. strongly agree
I am in this class because I like computer science.
I came to this class well prepared.
I have experience in computer programming.
I expected this class to be difficult.
This class is difficult.
I spend 2-5 hours each week on this course outside of class time.
I had quality gaming experience with the GTI module based on binary tree.
I had quality gaming experience with the GTI module based on linked list.
The difficulty of the GTI modules was appropriate for my level of skill and knowledge.
The difficulty of the GTI modules was appropriate for advancing my level of skill and knowledge.
I wrote the algorithm before using the GTI modules.
The GTI modules increased my level of interest in the course.
my interest in computing is based on programming.
my interest in computing is based on gaming.
I plan to get career in technology.
I plan to get career in computer science.

Question Title

* 12. How many hours a week do you spend on following activities?

  <1 hours 1-5 hours 5-10 hours 10-15 hours >15 hours
Playing computer games
Playing mobile games
Using software application

Question Title

* 13. what is your enrollment status?

Question Title

* 14. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 15. What is your race/ ethnicity?

Question Title

* 16. What year are you in college?