
You will be aware of the very real and rising health inequalities in our communities. We assume everyone across the NHS is keen to work in a way that addresses this.

A key priority for NHS North East London ICB is reducing inequality.

The Health Equity Academy has asked Altogether Better to coproduce a curriculum and offer a programme that meets the needs of people in primary care. The programme will aim to give participants the skills needed to address health inequalities in their organisations as part of their everyday work.

This short anonymous survey is intended to gather a wide range of insights and should take no more than 5 minutes of your time. The survey is administered by the Altogether Better team and responses will be collated and anonymised by them before sharing more widely.

For those of you who want to contribute to shaping the programme in more depth or take part in the programme there will be an opportunity to express your interest at the end of the survey. Our first coproduction workshop will take place on Wednesday 3rd July, 9.30 - 11am (venue tbc in Stratford).

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* 1. About you: which staff group are you part of?

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* 2. Health inequalities exist in primary care in access, experience and outcome. What would you need to support you to take action to reduce health inequalities in your organisation? (eg specific knowledge, particular skills, better access to data, relationships etc). The more specific you can be, the better for us.

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* 3. If you were interested in joining the health equity programme that is being developed, what might get in the way of you taking part?

Please tick all that apply from the list below - or add 'other' reasons.

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* 4. What do you think is the MOST helpful type of support/learning/skills that could be offered as part of a health equity programme?

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* 5. What do you think is the LEAST helpful type of support/learning/skills that could be offered as part of a health equity programme?

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* 6. Time commitment

We know that everybody working in health is very busy but equally no change can happen without people putting in time to make it happen.

To ensure participants are able to get the development they need please adjust the slider below to indicate the level of development that would work best for you if you were a participant on the programme.

Light development - for example a monthly lunch time session with optional exercises to do between sessions
Moderate development- for example 2-hour sessions every month for 5 months + implementation support
Extended development - for example a half-day every month for 5 months + implementation support + communities of practice

Light development Moderate development Extended development
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 7. Structure: Would you prefer:

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* 8. Delivery format - would you prefer:

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* 9. Imagine you were addressing an inequality in a practice/PCN. What is the dream team you would put together?

(just the roles, eg 'nurse', 'social prescriber', not named individuals)

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* 10. Finally, let us know if you're interested in either of the following so that we can keep you informed.

Don't forget to add your contact details in the boxes below this question if you have selected either/both of the options below (your name will not be linked to your responses to the survey. All responses will be used anonymously).

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* 11. If you've ticked either of the boxes above, please share your contact details so that we can keep you informed. As described above, these will not be linked to the responses you have provided.

Thank you for your responses. These will be anonymised and combined with others in order to help shape the health equity programme structure and curriculum.

Please click 'submit' to send your responses to us.