Community Feedback

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* 1. Did you like the theme of this year's summer reading club? (Harry Potter)

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* 2. Did you enjoy the addition of competing houses, to earn points as a group?

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* 3. How satisfied were you with the programs for all ages this summer?

Not at all N/A Loved it
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 4. Did you enjoy our passive programs, which included the weekly challenges, as well as our take-home programs, which included our Marauders Map Scavenger Hunt and our Mandrake raising?

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* 5. Overall, did you enjoy the homebrewed Summer Reading Club? (Custom made.)

No No Opinion Very Much
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 6. Did you enjoy that this year's SRC program was the same for all ages? (Everyone was sorted into a house, and earning points collaboratively. Reading records were the same for ages 5-99 and equal opportunity for program registration and weekly prizes.)

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* 7. Do you have any recommendations for our next SRC theme, if FNPL chooses to do another homebrew (Custom made)?

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* 8. Can provide any feedback on this year's SRC? Positive reviews or feedback for improvement will help us to develop future SRC events and programs.