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Client Driven Support (CDS) Consumer Satisfaction Survey

Please help us build a network of information so participants have everything they need to do consumer direction by rating your satisfaction with Washington County’s Client Driven Services.

There are only 11 questions to answer.

Question Title

* 3. Date


Question Title

* 5. Does Washington County staff help educate you on what options of services might be available to you, based on the participant's needs?

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* 6. Did the staff provide you with proper documentation in a timely manner, if requested or needed?

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* 7. Do you feel your Washington County staff is knowledgeable about the available programs and helps you to understand the services that you are receiving?

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* 8. Did you understand the process for the program you were eligible for?

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* 9. Did the Washington County staff explain who to contact if you needed more information?

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* 10. If you are receiving case management services please rate the following:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
They schedule meetings around what best fits my family
They are easy to contact and return phone calls/emails promptly
They complete my yearly service plan with me
They are courteous, friendly, dependable and professional
They answer questions and address concerns
They offer me a choice and are person-centered
I'm satisfied with my case management services

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* 11. Other feedback on services or case management?

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* 12. If you would like to be contacted regarding your services/program, please provide your phone number below.

0 of 12 answered