Courage Child Protection & Empowerment
Welcome to the Courage Child Protection & Empowerment Training Questionnaire
This questionnaire is part of our ongoing insight gathering process to understand the lived experience of children and young people in communities around the world. We would like to explore all the challenges that they experience from when they are first conceived, to when they are born, become toddlers, children, teenagers, and finally young adults. We are interested in what empowers and enables children and young people to create possibilities for themselves as they grow to adulthood, versus the challenges that disempower and disable them.
We are exploring this with different people. Firstly, children and young people, their parents, caregivers or guardians, their community and finally the many child protection officers that are tasked with ensuring their safety, security, and wellbeing as they grow up. This includes doctors, nurses, teachers, coaches, social workers, police officers, in fact any adults who have a role to play in a child’s growth and development.
In this questionnaire there are NO right or wrong answers, we are interested in your perspective on your community, so please be as open and honest as possible.
Please note that all information and responses from you in this questionnaire will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. No information can or will be assigned to you personally in any research gathering, analysis or findings reports or publications. If you have any queries or concerns regarding confidentiality, please send an email to couragechildprotection7@gmail.com
For learner and student service points:
If you are a learner or student, and would like to take part in this study, you will be awarded 3 service hours that you can place on your school record or curriculum vitae. Once you have completed the questionnaire, you will need to send your completion code (which you will find at the end of the questionnaire) to couragechildprotection7@gmail.com with your name, school or tertiary institution and email address, and a certificate of completion will be sent back to you confirming your service hours.
We are exploring this with different people. Firstly, children and young people, their parents, caregivers or guardians, their community and finally the many child protection officers that are tasked with ensuring their safety, security, and wellbeing as they grow up. This includes doctors, nurses, teachers, coaches, social workers, police officers, in fact any adults who have a role to play in a child’s growth and development.
In this questionnaire there are NO right or wrong answers, we are interested in your perspective on your community, so please be as open and honest as possible.
Please note that all information and responses from you in this questionnaire will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. No information can or will be assigned to you personally in any research gathering, analysis or findings reports or publications. If you have any queries or concerns regarding confidentiality, please send an email to couragechildprotection7@gmail.com
For learner and student service points:
If you are a learner or student, and would like to take part in this study, you will be awarded 3 service hours that you can place on your school record or curriculum vitae. Once you have completed the questionnaire, you will need to send your completion code (which you will find at the end of the questionnaire) to couragechildprotection7@gmail.com with your name, school or tertiary institution and email address, and a certificate of completion will be sent back to you confirming your service hours.
Individual vs Group Responses:
Please note that you can complete this questionnaire as an individual participant, or use it as a means to capture responses to the questions from a group workshop. Please specify if your responses are individual or from a group workshop at the beginning of the questionnaire. If the responses are based on a group workshop, please specify how many people were in the workshop group that you are capturing.