Climate Action This Week: Recycling, waste, & litter; Oversight and Accountability of Peace and Correctional Officers; Preparing for Zero Emissions Transport; Low Carbon Fuel Standard for Transportation; Supporting Emergency Shelters and Housing through GMA update; Planning under Growth Management Act; Working families tax exemption; Use of force investigations; Permissible use of force; Reducing GHG Emissions from Fluorinated Gases; Climate Commitment Act (Cap and Invest)

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Question Title

* Your information

Question Title

* 1. There are two key bills in the House Appropriations Committee that need to be passed out of committee by this Friday, April 2. These bills are: 
  • Recycling, waste, & litter: SB 5022
  • Oversight and Accountability of Peace and Correctional Officers: SB 5051
Please call or email the following members of the Appropriations Committee and ask them to ensure these bills are given a hearing and passed out of committee. The script is below. 

Click here to send an email to members of the committee.
If the above link did not work, please address your emails to:

Chair, Rep. Timm Ormsby (D-03) – (509) 458-2122 –
Vice Chair, Rep. Steve Bergquist (D-11) – (253) 214-3275 –
Vice Chair, Rep. Mia Gregerson (D-33) – (253) 395-0865 –
Vice Chair, Rep. Nicole Macri (D-43) – (206) 333-4228 – 

If you’re calling and you reach voicemail, be sure to speak slowly and clearly and say the bill number. And be sure to let them know if you are a constituent of their district!

Script: I’m contacting you to request that SB 5022 get both a public hearing and an executive session in the Appropriations Committee in order to move the bill forward. I’m also urging that SB 5051 get an executive session in order to advance beyond this Friday’s cut-off.

  Chair, Rep. Timm Ormsby Vice Chair, Rep. Steve Bergquist Vice Chair, Rep. Mia Gregerson Vice Chair, Rep. Nicole Macri
I called
I emailed

Question Title

* 2. Preparing for Zero Emissions Transport: HB 1287

This bill eases the transition to the widespread use of electric vehicles by creating a tool for forecasting and mapping electric vehicle charging infrastructure needs, and requiring that utilities address the transition to electric vehicles in their resource planning. It also includes as a state goal that all new cars and light trucks be electric, beginning in 2030.

Please call or email the following members of the Committee and ask them to ensure this bill is scheduled as needed, and passed out of committee. The script is below. 

Click here to send an email to members of the committee. 

If the above link did not work, please address your emails to:

Chair, Sen. Steve Hobbs (D-44) – (360) 786-7686 –
Vice Chair, Sen. Rebecca Saldana (D-37) – (360) 786-7688 –

If you’re calling and you reach voicemail, be sure to speak slowly and clearly and say the bill number. And be sure to let them know if you are a constituent of their district.

Script: I’m contacting you to request that Preparing for Zero Emissions Transport, HB 1287 get an executive session in the Transportation Committee in order to move this important bill forward.

  Chair, Sen. Steve Hobbs Vice Chair, Sen. Rebecca Saldana
I called
I emailed

Question Title

* 3. Low Carbon Fuel Standard for Transportation: HB 1091

This executive session was moved to Thursday, April 1, 1:30 PM, so we have another chance to show our overwhelming support! 

The Low Carbon Fuel Standard (HB 1091) would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the carbon intensity of transportation fuel. Transportation fuels are responsible for the largest portion of Washington's greenhouse gas emissions. Air pollution from transportation sources disproportionately impacts people of color and lower-income populations. Successful Clean Fuels Programs have been implemented in California and Oregon. Washington should join them!

HB 1091 has been rescheduled for executive session in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means on Thursday, April 1, 1:30 PM. 

Please call or email the following key Committee members to ask them to vote YES on HB 1091.

If you’re calling and you reach voicemail, be sure to speak slowly and clearly and say the bill numbers. And be sure to let them know if you are a constituent of their district!

Click here to send an email to key members of the committee. 

If the above link did not work, please address your emails to:

 Chair Sen. Christine Rolfes (D-23) – (360) 786-7644 –
Sen. Steve Conway (D-29) – (360) 786-7656 –
Sen. Kevin Van De Wege (D-24) – (360) 786-7646 –
Sen. Bob Hasegawa (D-11) – (360) 786-7616 –
Sen. Mark Mullet (D-05) – (360) 786-7608 –

Script: I’m contacting you to urge you to vote YES on HB 1091. I strongly support this bill.

Then choose 1-2 additional sentences from the options below or feel free to write your own.
  • Shifting to zero-emission vehicles that get their power from clean energy is one of the fastest ways we can clean our air and our transportation system. 
  • A recent study found that California’s Clean Fuel Standard could save $8.3 billion in avoided public health costs by 2025 because of fewer asthma attacks and hospitalizations, lower rates of lung cancer and heart attacks, and thousands of fewer lost workdays. Let’s bring similar benefits to Washington State.
  • A recent Crosscut / Elway poll showed that two thirds of Washingtonians, across class, demographics, and legislative district support passing the Clean Fuel Standard. It’s time to pass this important bill!

  Chair Sen. Christine Rolfes Sen. Steve Conway Sen. Kevin Van De Wege Sen. Bob Hasegawa Sen. Mark Mullet
I called
I emailed
4. There are several key bills in the Senate Ways & Means Committee that are scheduled for executive session on Friday, April 2, 9:00 AM. These bills are:
  • Working families tax exemption: HB 1297
  • Use of force investigations: HB 1267
  • Permissible use of force: HB 1310
  • Reducing GHG emissions from fluorinated gases: HB 1050
  • Supporting Emergency Shelters and Housing through GMA update: HB 1220
  • Planning under Growth Management Act: HB 1241

Question Title

Please call or email the following members of the Committee and ask them to vote YES.  

If you’re calling and you reach voicemail, be sure to speak slowly and clearly and say the bill numbers. And be sure to let them know if you are a constituent of their district!

Click here to send an email to key members of the committee.

If the above link did not work, please address your emails to:

Chair Sen. Christine Rolfes (D-23) – (360) 786-7644 –
Sen. Steve Conway (D-29) – (360) 786-7656 –
Sen. Kevin Van De Wege (D-24) – (360) 786-7646 –
Sen. Bob Hasegawa (D-11) – (360) 786-7616 –
Sen. Mark Mullet (D-05) – (360) 786-7608 – 

Script: Please vote YES on these bills.
  • Working families tax exemption: HB 1297
  • Use of force investigations: HB 1267
  • Permissible use of force: HB 1310
  • Reducing GHG emissions from fluorinated gases: HB 1050
  • Supporting Emergency Shelters and Housing through GMA update: HB 1220
  • Planning under Growth Management Act: HB 1241

  Chair Sen. Christine Rolfes Sen. Steve Conway Sen. Kevin Van De Wege Sen. Bob Hasegawa Sen. Mark Mullet
I called
I emailed

Question Title

* 5. Climate commitment act (Cap and Invest) SB 5126

This bill creates a cap and trade program requiring large greenhouse gas emitters to buy allowances at auction for each metric ton of emissions above a gradually decreasing cap.  

Tell all your legislators to oppose SB 5126, Cap and Invest – “Position” – please select “Oppose”. The first sentence of the written comment should be: I strongly oppose SB 5126 and urge you to vote No. For this bill, select your Senator and your two Representatives. 

Script: I’m writing to ask you to oppose SB 5126.

Here are some talking points to include:
  • We need to enforce our state greenhouse gas reduction targets but SB 5126 is not the best way to do that.
  • California’s cap and trade system has failed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and has allowed polluters to continue to harm overburdened communities.
  • One reason California’s pollution trading system is failing is because it has too many pollution “allowances”. If we join their system, California’s extra allowances will dilute our ability to regulate Washington polluters. No thanks!
  • Cap and invest systems rely on offsets. British Petroleum, currently bankrolling the SB 5126 advocacy campaign, is one of the world's biggest carbon-credit traders. Meanwhile in California, regulators like Neil Tangri are resigning in protest over the failure of their offset program.
  • The integration with California will take years. And we pay them to join. This is not the best use of our state funds.
  • SB 5373 Washington Strong would be a more effective way of raising revenue and directing spending toward meaningful climate and resiliency investments.

  My senator My first representative My other representative
I called
I emailed

Question Title

* Wow! You did it and we know it was once again a lot! Thank you!!!

How did that go?

-- The 350 WA Civic Action Team

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