Mental Health Survey

1.Your consent. Survey responses are anonymous, and may be shared with partners. Do you give your consent?
2.How would you rate your current mental health?
3.Have you suffered from any of the following mental health conditions in the past 12 months? (Tick as many as apply to you)?
4.If you have suffered from any of the above, do you know what triggered you to have this condition? (e.g. Covid, loneliness, financial issues, poor health, social isolation)
5.If YES, please give details:
6.Do you feel comfortable discussing your mental health with others?
7.If NO, why not?
8.If YES who do you discuss it with?
9.Have you ever discussed your mental health with your GP?
10.If YES – What support did your GP offer you? How helpful did you find the discussion?
11.If NO – Why not?
12.Have you ever had counselling via Talking Therapies, the NHS Counselling Service?
13.If YES – How was your experience of this service?
14.Have you ever been referred to Mental Health Services? (to see a psychiatrist etc.)
15.If YES – How was your experience of using these services?
16.Are you aware of any local charities who support people with mental health issues?
17.If YES – please specify below which ones
18.Have you ever received support for your mental health from a charity?
19.If YES – how did you find the experience of using their services?
20.Do you do anything to look after your mental health?
21.If YES – Please give details below.
22.Do you care for anyone who suffers with their mental health?
23.If YES Please give details of the support you provide.
24.If YES – do you receive any support to carry out your caring role?
25.If YES – Please give details below
26.Do you have any other comments on mental health and mental health services?
27.If you have any suggestions for future topics for our questionnaires, please list below:
28.Your Gender?
29.Your Age?
31.Physical health
32.Mental Health
33.Your Ethnicity