Community Survey

Presented below are four alternative concepts for improvements to Neill’s Creek Park. Every option has similarities and differences. We don’t expect that one particular concept will be chosen to move forward, but rather that priorities from each concept will be combined into a draft master plan that will address the highest priorities and satisfy the needs of the community. Your input is valuable to the process and we appreciate the your time to participate in this survey.
Option A: This concept organizes the ballfields into a pinwheel, suitable for tournaments. The high school softball field is relocated to the pinwheel and two multi-purpose fields are relocated closer to the high school. New pickleball and basketball courts are provided near the existing tennis courts. Vehicle circulation is on the south side of the park with parking along the driveway.

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* 1. What do you like about the Option A concept and what don’t you like, and why?

Option B: This concept provides an additional multi-purpose field with the tradeoff being smaller ballfields. New pickleball and basketball courts are provided away from the existing tennis courts. Vehicle circulation is on the south side of the park and parking is pulled off the driveway into parking lots.

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* 2. What do you like about the Option B concept and what don’t you like, and why?

Option C: In this concept, one ballfield is removed to create open, flexible green space. New ballfields and a multipurpose field are oriented around a new restroom and concession stand. The HS softball field is relocated nearby, solving some parking issues. Vehicle circulation is to the north and parking is provided along the driveway.

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* 3. What do you like about the Option C concept and what don’t you like, and why?

Option D: This concept keeps all of the existing ballfields in their current location. A large central gathering space helps organize and connect two new multipurpose fields to the ballfields. Vehicle circulation is to the north and parking is provided in parking lots.

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* 4. What do you like about this concept and what don’t you like, and why?

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* 5. What is your favorite concept and why?

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* 6. What is your least favorite concept and why?

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* 7. What are your top 3 priorities for improvements to the park?

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* 8. What elements are missing from these plans?