2025 BLP Enrollment Form

Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2025 Board Leadership Program (BLP), a six-month program hosted by the Asian American Professional Association (AAPA), the Asian Pacific Community Fund (APCF), and Kizuna. Through this unique experience, you will develop practical skills, knowledge, and networks to be an effective nonprofit board member and inspired leader in the community.

Completion of this enrollment form confirms your participation in the training sessions and we highly encourage all applicants to participate in the internship component of the program. Please note the internship is separate and runs concurrently to the training sessions. The internship schedule is dependent on the nonprofit host's recurring board meeting cadence, in addition to other meetings and events that you may be asked to join.

This enrollment form is due on Friday, March 7th, 2025, and we encourage early submissions. Completion of this enrollment is dependent on your payment through AAPA's website.

Please review the following training session dates to input them into your calendars:

  • Sessions #1-3 - Saturday, April 26th, 2025 from 9am-4pm PT @ SoCalGas Learning Center (in-person)
  • Session #4 - Wednesday, May 21st, 2025 from 5:30-7:30pm PT (virtual)
  • Session #5 - Wednesday, July 16th, 2025 from 5:30-7:30pm PT (virtual)
  • Sessions #6-8 - Saturday, August 23rd, 2025 from 9am-4pm PT @ SoCalGas Learning Center (in-person)
  • Programs Graduation - Wednesday, December 3rd, 2025 (tentative) (in-person)

For more about AAPA's work, please visit our website. If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please contact Joseph Tsuboi, AAPA's Program Manager, at joseph.tsuboi@aapamentoring.com.

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* 1. What is your name and pronouns? Ex: Joseph Tsuboi (he/him)

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* 2. What is the best email address to reach you? We recommend sharing a non-work or institutional email that will be compatible with Google Suite applications.

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* 3. What is your cell phone number in case we need to reach you?

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* 4. What is your mailing address?

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* 5. What is your age range? The following demographic questions will be kept for internal use only.

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* 6. What is your ethnicity or racial background?

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* 7. What is your gender?

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* 8. Please provide your Linkedin URL

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* 9. What is your job title and company/organization?

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* 10. What is your purpose for applying to the BLP?

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* 11. Are you currently serving on one or more boards? If so, which organization(s)?

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* 12. If not currently on a board, how soon would you be able to serve on a board?

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* 13. For how long can you serve on a new board?

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* 14. What are your nonprofit topics of interest (Please check no more than 3)?

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* 15. What roles/functions of a board are you interested in learning more about?

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* 16. Nonprofit boards may require a “give/get” policy, through time and/or monetary commitments dependent on the organization's budget and operations, for their board members. If you are selected to intern and potentially serve in an official capacity of an organization, are you able to fulfill these requirements if required?

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* 17. Please submit your biography and statement of interest in a single document, (1-2 pages, double spaced). Please share a little bit about yourself, professionally and beyond. In your statement, please share what inspired you to apply for this program and what you are most hoping to gain from participating in the program.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
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* 18. During the six-month program, you will have the opportunity to intern with a participating nonprofit board APCF's network agencies. We highly encourage you to take the opportunity to intern.

You will attend regular board meetings and have the chance to observe what it really takes to be a board member. Interns should be prepared to dedicate at least 2-5 hours a month to the nonprofit, including but not limited to attending meetings, communication with Board Chair and/or Executive Director, committee work, events, etc. Please note this commitment is separate from the BLP training sessions.

Internship Question: Are you interested in an internship through the program?

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* 19. Please upload your resume. This will be shared to nonprofit hosts.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

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* 20. Will your company sponsor you for enrollment in the program?

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* 21. How did you learn about the Board Leadership Program? Please specify a referral name, if applicable.

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* 22. Participant Acknowledgement:

To graduate from the AAPA Board Leadership Program (and receive your completion certificate), you will need to fulfill the following program requirements:
  • Event Attendance: Attend a minimum of seven (7) out of eight (8) Board Leadership Sessions. There are 8 total sub-sessions (2 Saturday sessions and 2 weekday evening sessions). We highly encourage BLP participants to attend all the sessions, but recognize that unexpected life events come up. Please do your best to communicate your needs with AAPA and APCF staff ahead of events.
  • Participants are encouraged to create a profile on AAPA's Members Portal to keep in touch with each other and learn about each others' work.
  • Internship (dependent on nonprofit host capacity): Participate in an internship with a nonprofit (if you are not already a board member). The first sessions, which will include the matching session, is mandatory attendance for interested interns. Please note that if you choose participate in the internship portion of the program, all session attendance is required.
  • Volunteer (optional): Apply your leadership skills as an AAPA Volunteer. Volunteer for at least one BLP event (e.g. session, networking committee, etc), AAPA's Annual Celebration, or the Programs Graduation.
I acknowledge that I have read and agree with the guidelines and requirements for participation in the Board Leadership Program.

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* 23. Payment Acknowledgement:

To complete payment, please go to our website and click the "Pay Now to Enroll" widget. Please enter your information and any relevant promotional codes to process the transaction.

Please note that completing the above payment process confirms your participation in BLP's training sessions. If you identified interest in the internship portion of the program, additional onboarding will take place to confirm your internship with a host nonprofit organization.

I acknowledge that I have paid the program fee and/or used a promotional code before submitting this form.

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* 24. I acknowledge by typing my full name below that I have read and agree with the guidelines and requirements for participation in the Board Leadership Program.