Exit IQHA Survey Question Title * 1. Please select which association you are currently member of: IQHA Only AQHA Only Both IQHA and AQHA None of the above but I would like to join Question Title * 2. Are you in favour of the IQHA extending your IQHA-only membership free of charge to March 1st, 2026, and aligning annual renewals to March 1st for all members going forward? Yes No Question Title * 3. Would you like to see a quarterly newsletter from the IQHA? Yes No Question Title * 4. Would you like to see an IQHA family membership option? Yes No Comment Question Title * 5. Do you own a Quarter Horse? Yes No Please let us know how many: Question Title * 6. Please select classes that you would like to see at the IQHA National Show in September 2025: Western Pleasure Showmanship Halter Horsemanship In Hand Trail Trail Ranch Trail Ranch Riding Reining Western Riding Equitation over fences Hunter Hack Hunt seat equitation Hunter under saddle Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Youth Riders Are there youth riders (18 years old and under as of January 1) in your household? Yes No If yes, would they be interested in joining a youth development squad for future AQH Youth World Cups and other international competitions? Yes No Maybe Question Title * 8. Please provide us with your email address to avail of promotions and news on future events. Done