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Our goal is to close $100M in new opportunities for our women in business and help our clients reach their innovation, diversity, and investment spend goals. 

Would you please take less than 2 minutes to help us learn more about you so we can continue to grow to serve you better. Registration gets you FREE access to our EBW Certified Money Mentors to help you thrive. Also, because we believe so strongly in what we teach and we want to see YOU succeed, we are additionally honored to provide up to $1 million in scholarships to the EBW Accelerator (valued at $1,000 per)! The EBW Accelerator program provides a community of like-minded entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, live and remote expert training, weekly mentorship sessions, live coaching calls and ongoing support, an in-depth business course, and a customized roadmap for women business owners to get beyond six figures annually in their businesses and on their way to reaching $1 million in revenues annually.  By completing this survey, you will be considered for a scholarship, and we will follow-up with additional details should you have interest.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Company Name

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* 5. If you could choose your top 3 "ideal" companies, governmental agencies or investors to work with, who would they be and why?

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* 6. In 100 works or less, what is the VALUE you would bring to each of them in innovation, efficiency or time and money (whether helping them make or save money) on why they should choose you? 

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* 7. I am here because I am seeking help with:  (Select your Top 5)

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* 8. How many years have you been in business?

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* 9. I am a...

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* 10. I am a...

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* 11. Your Industry:  (select up to three)

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* 12. What is your company’s annual revenue?

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* 13. How many employees do you have? 

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* 14. Are you a reseller or do you create/manufacture original goods?

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* 15. What stage of funding are you at? (Choose up to four)

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* 16. How much capital have you raised for your business?

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* 17. Are you seeking capital for your business? 

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* 18. Are you MWBE Certified?

Accepted Certifications:
* MBE's must be a member of NMSDC and WBE's member of WBENC or NVBDC, or Disability: IN or NGLCC
* Acceptable certification for Veteran-Owned businesses will be from the National Veteran Business Development Council (NVBDC). 
* Acceptable certification for LGBTB's will be from the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC). 
* Acceptable certification for DOBE's will be from the US Business Leadership Network (USBLN). 

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* 19. Do you have proprietary technology and/or approaches in your business? 

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* 20. Would you like to be considered as a Subject Matter Expert Presenter? 

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* 21. Yes!... I would like to learn more about using _______ to grow my life and my business

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* 22. I would very much like to get help with: (select all that apply)

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* 23. If you are interested in scaling your business beyond the $1M mark and/or are there already, would you like to be considered for the invitation only Billionaire Weekend for Women in Q4 of 2022 where you will have the opportunity to connect with investors and learn more about how you can access capital for your business.  (This is a $1500-$4500 investment to join this gathering).

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* 24. What is your TWITTER Handle?

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* 25. What is your INSTAGRAM handle?

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* 26. What is your FACEBOOK handle?

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* 27. Would you like to receive an application for the EBW Raise Scholarship to gain access to the EBW Accelerator? 

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* 28. Please provide your preferred email address. 

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