Exit this survey How Did We Do? Your feedback helps us improve! Question Title * 1. Please enter your Company name. Question Title * 2. Please enter your email address. Question Title * 3. Why did you decide to implement a recognition program? Question Title * 4. What factors did you consider when choosing a vendor/partner? Question Title * 5. How did you learn about Terryberry? Question Title * 6. Why did you choose Terryberry? Question Title * 7. What factors will you consider to determine the success of your program? Question Title * 8. How did we do in the following areas? Needs Improvement Below Expectations Middle of the Road Good WOW! Customer Service Customer Service Needs Improvement Customer Service Below Expectations Customer Service Middle of the Road Customer Service Good Customer Service WOW! Quality of Products/Services Quality of Products/Services Needs Improvement Quality of Products/Services Below Expectations Quality of Products/Services Middle of the Road Quality of Products/Services Good Quality of Products/Services WOW! Breadth of Products/Services Breadth of Products/Services Needs Improvement Breadth of Products/Services Below Expectations Breadth of Products/Services Middle of the Road Breadth of Products/Services Good Breadth of Products/Services WOW! Price Price Needs Improvement Price Below Expectations Price Middle of the Road Price Good Price WOW! Overall, How Satisfied Are You with Your Most Recent Experience with Terryberry Overall, How Satisfied Are You with Your Most Recent Experience with Terryberry Needs Improvement Overall, How Satisfied Are You with Your Most Recent Experience with Terryberry Below Expectations Overall, How Satisfied Are You with Your Most Recent Experience with Terryberry Middle of the Road Overall, How Satisfied Are You with Your Most Recent Experience with Terryberry Good Overall, How Satisfied Are You with Your Most Recent Experience with Terryberry WOW! Question Title * 9. Please tell us why you feel that way. Question Title * 10. What could we do to improve? Question Title * 11. Would you recommend Terryberry? Yes No Question Title * 12. We want to recognize our own team members when they do great work. If you'd like to recommend a Terryberry associate for recognition, please let us know who and why! Question Title * 13. Do you have any other comments or suggestions for us? Done