Our mission is to build a culture of curiosity and creativity by connecting people to information and interactions that ignite ideas, excite passions, and inspire action to improve our collective quality of life.
This survey is intended to gather your thoughts on three strategic initiatives that the Library is undertaking in its new five-year plan.  The initiatives are Connections, Collections, and Capacity. Your input will shape the direction of the Library's future.

Connections is how the Library relates to and supports the needs of Erie County. This includes library services and programs to individuals and groups as well as partnerships with community groups and organizations of all types.
Collections is what the Library acquires and makes available to the people of Erie County, including both print and digital collections.
Capacity is how well the Library can provide its variety of services to Erie County, this includes staff, buildings, and infrastructure.

Question Title

* 1. Which library location do you use most often? Choose all that apply if you regularly patronize multiple locations.