St. Martin Parish Schools Parent School Reopening August 2020 Survey

St. Martin Parish School System will be opening up our schools in August following the guidelines issued by the Louisiana Department of Education and the Office of Public Health. Please watch Superintendent Blanchard's video message; then, provide your input to help us prepare for the new school year. 
1.Number of children attending St. Martin Parish Schools (PreK-12)?(Required.)
2.In which grade(s) are your children enrolled (choose that all that apply?(Required.)
3.Which schools do your children currently attend? (choose all that apply)(Required.)
4.Do you plan to allow your children to attend school when school reopens in August?(Required.)
5.If no, do you intend to (you can skip if this doesn't apply to you)?
6.How will your children travel to school?(Required.)
7.If you choose to enroll your children in St. Martin Parish's full Virtual program, which would you prefer (you can skip this question if it does not apply to you)?
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered