Please fill out the following survey on health insurance coverage for rosacea. Results will appear in the National Rosacea Society's newsletter, Rosacea Review, and on

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* 1. Do you have health insurance (including Medicare coverage)?
(If you answered no, please skip to Question 6.)

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* 2. Does your insurance coverage include prescribed medication for your rosacea, such as oral or topical therapy?

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* 3. Does your insurance coverage include laser or other light-based treatment for the redness and visible blood vessels of rosacea?

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* 4. Are you required to obtain a referrral from your primary physician in order to see a specialist such as a dermatologist or eye doctor?

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* 5. Have you ever had to dispute charges relating to treatment of your rosacea with your insurance company?

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* 6. Has lack of insurance coverage or the amount of your co-pay ever kept you from obtaining medical care for your rosacea?

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* 7. Have you ever paid out-of-pocket for a rosacea-related medication or procedure that was not covered by your insurance?

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* 8. If you answered yes to Question 7, what was the amount you paid out-of-pocket for the medication or procedure?

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* 9. Are you:

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* 10. Are you:

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* 12. Would you like to receive information on rosacea? Join the National Rosacea Society mailing list by providing your name and email below.