The University of Alberta Properties Trust (UAPT) is preparing a Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan (NASP) to provide policy direction for the development of West 240. We appreciate the community’s feedback throughout the master planning process, and we are excited to share the most recent draft concept and objectives for the NASP.

How your feedback will be used: There will be future City-led opportunities for community input on the West 240 NASP. The feedback you share today will be summarized and shared with the City along with the NASP submission. To review the information presented at our recent open houses, please visit

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* 1. Which engagement opportunities have you participated in for the West 240 project prior to completing this survey? Please select all that apply.

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Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan: Development Concept

The NASP development concept features a range of housing options, walkable neighbourhoods, access to the Whitemud Creek Ravine, and a mixed-use urban village. This concept has been refined from the previous master plan concept through discussion with the City of Edmonton, outcomes of initial technical analysis, and ongoing consideration of community priorities.

<strong>Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan: Development Concept</strong><br><br>The NASP development concept features a range of housing options, walkable neighbourhoods, access to the Whitemud Creek Ravine, and a mixed-use urban village. This concept has been refined from the previous master plan concept through discussion with the City of Edmonton, outcomes of initial technical analysis, and ongoing consideration of community priorities.
The proposed land use strategy includes a range of residential types and densities, local mixed use and commercial areas, and a variety of public open spaces throughout the site.

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* 2. Do you have any questions on the Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan process and the next steps?

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* 3. Do you have any comments on the proposed development concept:


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* 4. Tell us about your experience with the West 240 project engagement:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The information provided on the project was clear.
The project team was able to answer my questions.
I was able to access information about the project.
I am more informed about the project after engagement with the project team or published materials.

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* 5. I am a(n) ______ (select all that apply):

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* 6. I am interested in receiving future updates about West 240.

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* 7. If yes, please share your contact information. This information will only be used to share project updates and invitations to future engagement opportunities.

Thank you for your participation!

The West 240 Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan (NASP) application is anticipated to be submitted to the City of Edmonton late summer 2024. The NASP will include a detailed review and analysis by the City of Edmonton staff and will ultimately require the approval of City Council.

To learn more about future opportunities to get engaged visit