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Discover your retirement readiness score across 9 key areas.

Rate yourself in this insightful self-assessment quiz on factors that are critical to retirement preparedness and long-term success.

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* 1. Thanks for taking our quiz!

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* 2. What email would you like your results sent to?

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* 3. How clear are you about your current financial circumstances and your future financial goals?

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* 4. How confident are you that life’s unexpected and expected events will not jeopardize your financial future?

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* 5. When was the last time you re-examined your complete financial picture? (Your income, spending, goals, wills, insurances, etc.)

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* 6. Do you know the significant risks that could derail your finances?

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* 7. Do you know where all your money goes?

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* 8. How well are you protected for your short-term and long-term financial future?

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* 9. How tailored are your assets and investments to your fears, dreams, and reality?              

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* 10. How satisfied are you with the growth of your assets and investments?

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* 11. Are your assets and investments getting the respect and care they deserve?

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