May 28 - June 3 Place and Culture

Thank you for joining our 6 question survey!

The Village of Riverside is using a series of surveys to further analyze ideas generated by our own community members.

This week's topic: Place and Culture
Please give us feedback on your experiences in the Riverside community. What is done well and what are some needs that should be explored? (Six questions)
1.Choose any answers that apply. 
Riverside’s public parks and greenspaces could be improved in the following ways:
2.Choose any answers that apply.
Riverside could benefit from more places suited for:
3.How strongly do you agree or disagree:
The Village of Riverside should evaluate existing ordinances and practices and update policies to reduce pollution of all types (air, water, noise, light, etc.) throughout the community.
I strongly disagree
I disagree
I am impartial 
I agree 
I strongly agree
4.How strongly do you agree or disagree:
More apartments, condos, housing units for seniors, and/or townhouses are needed in Riverside.
I strongly disagree
I disagree
I am impartial 
I agree 
I strongly agree
5.Choose any answers that apply. 
From your experience and knowledge, all people (all ages, races, ethnicities,, nationalities, religions, genders, sexual orientations, physical and mental abilities, and income levels) feel welcome and/or comfortable in the following places:
6.Choose any answers that apply.
Riverside should strive to become a destination for:
7.Thank you for taking our survey. If you are interested in helping with one or more of the actions above, please enter your email and we will be in touch!