On Line Worship

The On-line Worship service started the first Sunday of Covid, over four years ago. We know that an average of 150+ people watch each service within the weeks following its posting, but we do not know who, from where, and how we might grow in relationship with our on-line worshipers. This survey will give us some needed information, and ideas for improvement of the service, and engagement with YOU. We thank you for your time!

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* 1. Have you ever watched the On-line Worship?

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* 2. Do you regularly watch the On-line Worship?

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* 3. Do you watch (on-average):

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* 4. From where do you watch/participate in the On-line Worship (i.e. home, care center, vacation spot, cabin, snow-bird, etc.)?

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* 5. Are there other ways you want to participate with Our Saviour’s on-line?

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* 6. Are there ways we can connect you with Our Saviour’s community?

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* 7. Do you have suggestions for how to improve the on-line worship service?

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* 8. Optional: Name

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* 9. Optional: Email