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* 1. Please provide your contact information.

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* 2. What advanced training opportunities are offered in the sectors outlined in the Concept Paper that would lead to basic work skills certifications and credentials that employers are looking for?

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* 3. Are there sectors not represented in the Concept Paper that DYCD should consider for advanced training that have in-demand credentials and will result in long-term, accessible career pathways?

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* 4. Many potential participants lack the academic skills and basic competencies to begin advanced training. How can the training provider best assess readiness for advanced training?

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* 5. What are best practices for providers to offer basic skills and academic support continuously in the program?

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* 6. If a potential participant is not ready for the program, what types of referrals should be facilitated to prepare a young adult for more intensive programming (e.g., academic support, bridge programming, internships)?

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* 7. Will the staffing plan outlined in the Concept Paper, including the number of staff and roles, enable providers to meet the expectations discussed in the program model? If no, what changes would you recommend DYCD make?

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* 8. DYCD is considering offering stipend-based training opportunities in addition to the paid work experience requirement to boost enrollment and retention rates. If DYCD added this component to the program, what activities would you recommend counting towards the stipend?  When and how should stipends be administered? What impact, if any, do you anticipate stipends having on participation in the program?  

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* 9. Please provide any other feedback you may have pertaining to the Train & Earn Concept Paper.