Norfolk Island Country University Centre Support Question Title * 1. Are you: A current school student, mature aged student, potential student, business owner or community member? Please select below. Current school student Mature aged student Potential student Business owner Community member Question Title * 2. Are you currently undertaking any tertiary education? Yes No Question Title * 3. Are you currently a school student and would like to study either at university or undertake vocational education without having to leave Norfolk Island? Yes No Not Applicable Question Title * 4. If you were undertaking further study, would you be interested in full-time or part-time study? Full-time Part-time Both Not Applicable Question Title * 5. How important is having access to tertiary education / VET qualifications support to you and your family? N/A Not Important Not Really Some Very N/A Not Important Not Really Some Very Question Title * 6. Have you forgone opportunities to undertake further education due to lack of facilities and support? Yes No Question Title * 7. Would access to a CUC be crucial to your decision to undertake studies for financial, family or other reasons? Yes No Question Title * 8. If there was a Country Universities Centre on Norfolk Island that supported tertiary and vocational education, how likely would you be to use it? Very likely Likely Undecided Unlikely Very unlikely Question Title * 9. Are you a local business that would like the opportunity to upskill local employees without having to send them to Australia? Yes No Not Applicable Question Title * 10. Are you a local business that would be more inclined to hire trainees and apprentices if there is supported learning on Norfolk Island? Yes No Not Applicable Question Title * 11. Would you support a CUC that will increase the ability of Norfolk Island to expand it’s capability and capacity to undertake job opportunities that are currently outsourced to people from Australia? Yes No Question Title * 12. Please provide additional comments to support why (or why not) you would like to have a Country Universities Centre on Norfolk Island. Done