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* 1. What is your vision of what Downtown Exeter should look like/become as a whole?  Please specify aesthetics, business mix, and infrastructure.

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* 2. What do you view as the impediments/challenges the corridor faces to achieve that vision?

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* 3. Several potential developers have identified a perceived lack of available parking, especially during the lunch and dinner hours, as a deterrent to investment.  Please offer your take on this phenomenon and potential solutions if you agree.

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* 4. Many downtowns that have access to waterways utilize the asset to enhance aesthetic appeal and economic vibrancy.  How might Exeter better capitalize on this quality?  Please be specific.

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* 5. The former Ioka Theatre, un-and-underutilized for nearly a decade, has tremendous potential as a centerpiece for Exeter’s downtown.  What do you feel would be the best use for this property? 

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* 6. Please offer your insights on the mix of housing and commercial development in the greater downtown area.  Do you feel Exeter would benefit from more of one or the other?  If so, why?