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* 1. What school district do you represent?

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* 2. If your child(ren) attend school in Sand Springs, please indicate the site(s) they attend. 

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* 3. In evaluating district PERSONNEL costs and potential cuts, please rank the following from 1 to 5; 1 being the LEAST harmful for students and 5 being the MOST harmful to students.

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* 4. In evaluating the cost of CURRICULUM and TECHNOLOGY, please rank the following from 1 to 5; 1 being the LEAST harmful to students and 5 being the MOST harmful to students.

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* 5. In evaluating the cost of student TRANSPORTATION, please rank the following from 1 to 5; 1 being the LEAST harmful to students and 5 being the MOST harmful to students.

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* 6. In evaluating the cost of PROGRAMS, please rank the following from 1 to 5; 1 being the LEAST harmful to students if eliminated and 5 being the MOST harmful to students if eliminated.

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* 7. Other suggestions: