Have your voice heard!

Calling autistic young adults aged 18-30.

You are invited to participate in a new research project conducted by the Curtin Autism Research Group at Curtin University in Perth, WA. If you identify as autistic and are aged between 18 and 30 years old, please read on.

What is the project about?

The research aims to understand your beliefs, knowledge and experience regarding Relationships and Sexuality Education. There are no right or wrong answers.

What does participation involve?
  • You will participate in a small focus group discussion with other autistic adults aged 18-30.
  • You can talk to the researcher alone if you prefer.
  • Participants will receive a $50 gift voucher for taking part in the study.
  • This could be in-person, or online.
  • The focus group will take between 60 - 90 minutes.
  • Prior to attending, the researcher will send you an information sheet to read, and a consent form to sign.
  • The session will take place before June 2024.
  • The session will be recorded for audio.
Why participate?
  • Contribute to valuable knowledge that aims to improve the life of autistic individuals
  • Connect with others and share experiences
  • Learn more about Relationships and Sexuality Education
  • Help shape future policies and practices.
Please note that by completing the form, you consent to Kiind sharing your contact details with the Curtin Autism Research Group, researcher Michaela Southby, who will contact you regarding your Expression of Interest. If you have any questions, please contact michaela.southby@student.curtin.edu.au or 08 266 1084.

Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) has approved this study (HRE2023-0704).

Question Title

* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. Date of birth


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* 3. Age in years (18+)

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* 4. Do you have a Clinical Autism diagnosis?

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* 5. Gender: How do you identify?

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* 6. Email address

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* 7. Your postcode

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* 8. Preferred day/time to attend a session

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* 9. Do you consent to Kiind sharing your completed Expression of Interest form and contact details with the Curtin Autism Research Group?