Winter Pride Volunteer Application

1.Please give your full name, where you are from, your email and mobile number below.(Required.)
2.Do you identify as apart of the queer, rainbow, takatapui, LGBTTQIA+ group, or as an ally of the above?(Required.)
3.Most of our events require you to be 18 or over to volunteer for, however any shifts at Sky City Casino require you to be 20 or over. Please state if you are over 20, or if under please tell us your age. We may still have space for you but we need to accommodate for this.
4.Have you been to any Winter Pride events in the past or do you have tickets purchased for this year?
5.What volunteer or event experience have you had? Please just provide a very brief description or bullet points.
6.Why are you interested in volunteering for Winter Pride and what strengths as a volunteer will you bring to the crew?
7.Do you have a full New Zealand Drivers License? if not Are there any transport restraints I need to be aware of (ie relies on bus). If yes please explain.
8.In previous years the average number of shifts that each crew commited to was about 5 shifts.
We kindly request that everyone commit to at least 3 shifts.
What is your commitment/availability level for Winter Pride?
9.Please give an emergency contact name and number