Health Care Professional Part

Different protocols for the induction of male puberty exist and the choice of therapy depends on the underlying condition, personal experience, patient preference, as well as local availability of the drug. The purpose of this questionnaire is to understand the variation in practice and the availability of the different preparations in your country. The responses will be used to inform the development of guidelines on pubertal induction, an initiative that is being led by Endo-ERN with close collaboration with ESPE and ESE.

Question Title

* 1.
Your participation is voluntary and you are under no obligation to take part in this survey. By anonymously completing this questionnaire  and submitting the information, you agree for it to be used for the purposes described above.

Question Title

* 3. name of your centre / your affiliation

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* 4. your profession / position
please indicate the term which best describes you (you may select more than one)

Question Title

* 5. At what age do you generally recommend to start testosterone therapy for male pubertal induction in your patients with gonadal dysgenesis? (comments in "Other" are welcome)

Question Title

* 6. At what age do you generally recommend to start testosterone therapy for male pubertal induction in your patients with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism? (comments in "Other" are welcome)

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* 7. How long does male pubertal induction take in your centre / according to your schedule in relation to patients with gonadal dysgenesis? (time of gradual increase of testosterone dose until adult dosing is reached, comments in "Other" are welcome)

Question Title

* 8. How long does male pubertal induction take in your centre / according to your schedule in relation to patients with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism? (time of gradual increase of testosterone dose until adult dosing is reached, comments in "Other" are welcome)

Question Title

* 9. At what age do you generally recommend to start gonadotropins or pulsatile GnRH (pump) for male pubertal induction in your patients with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism? (comments in "Other" are welcome)

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* 10. What preparations are available in your country for male puberty induction in patients with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism ? (you can mark more than one answer)

Question Title

* 11. Preferred treatment protocol to induce puberty in patients with male hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (based on your personal opinion/experience, you can mark more than one answer and comments in "Other" are welcome)

Question Title

* 12. Available testosterone / dihydrotestosterone form (intramuscular, oral, transdermal etc) for pubertal induction in your country/center (you can mark more than one answer).

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* 13. Used testosterone / dihydrotestosterone form (intramuscular, oral, transdermal etc) for pubertal induction in your country/center (you can mark more than one answer).

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* 14.
Preferred testosterone / dihydrotestosterone form (intramuscular, oral, transdermal etc) for pubertal induction (based on your personal opinion/experience, you can mark more than one answer)

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* 15. Please, write the starting dose of preferred testosterone / dihydrotestosterone form (indicated by you in Question 14) for puberty induction (e.g.  TE im 50 mg / 4 weeks)

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* 16. Please, write the starting dose of hCG injections (indicated in Questions 10 & 11) for puberty induction (e.g. hCG im 500 j.m. x 2/ week)