Improving Farm to School Incentives in NYS - Make Your Voice Heard! |
Survey Overview
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Your answers to these questions will inform AFT’s advocacy to improve the 30% NYS Initiative. This survey should take approximately 20-25 minutes to complete.
American Farmland Trust is offering $40 in Visa gift cards to the first 75 participants that complete this survey - There's still a few slots left to receive a gift card!
The deadline to fill out this survey is August 25 Deadline extended to September 6th!
Just over half of our questions are about spending patterns on milk, value-added dairy, apples, and other products, and the rest are about your attitudes towards the incentive program. Please have purchasing records available while you take this. You may also make best-guess estimates based on your knowledge of your School Food Authority. The survey is set up so that if you manage multiple School Food Authorities you will fill out spending patterns for each School Food Authority separately, but only be asked to complete general questions/feedback once.