
CSES, Ökopol and the Technical University Vienna are conducting a preparatory study for DG GROW in the European Commission for a review that is to be conducted on the Ecodesign Voluntary Agreement on Videogames Consoles.

Within the overall framework of the Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC), which aims to improve the environmental characteristics of products, there is provision for Voluntary Agreements, through which industry can propose self-regulation measures. One such Voluntary Agreement relates to Videogames Consoles.

As part of the preparatory study examining this Voluntary Agreement, an initial Stakeholder Meeting took place on 26th March 2019.

A second Stakeholder Meeting will now take place on 9th July 2019 from 13.00 to 17.00 (registration from 12.30) at the Commission’s premises in Brussels.

An agenda can be downloaded here.

Individuals and organisations with a clear interest in attending this meeting are invited to register their wish to attend by completing a short registration form. Further information on the Meeting, including a further draft report from the consultants, will be circulated prior to the meeting.

Please click below to register.