
The State Library of NC is participating in a grant-funded project called EXCITE Transformation that teaches iterative design processes for creating library services and programs.  Part of the design process is bringing together people to gather feedback and to better understand participants needs. At this stage we are simply interested in your thoughts and feelings about collaboration. Why do you like it or why don't you like it? Eventually, your feedback will help us design a program or service that brings librarians together to share ideas and collaborate in a meaningful way.

Please contact Amanda Johnson, or 919.807.7421 for more information or questions.

Question Title

* 1. Full Name:

Question Title

* 2. Email Address:

Question Title

* 3. Phone Number:

Question Title

* 4. Age Range:

Question Title

* 5. I have worked in libraries for:

Question Title

* 6. I work at a:

Question Title

* 7. My library is:

Question Title

* 8. My work status is:

Question Title

* 9. Please choose the area of librarianship that is your primary role:

Question Title

* 10. Please indicate HOW MUCH each of the statements applies to you. Please mark EACH statement from 0-2. 0= does not apply to me at all, 1= somewhat applies to me 2= Very much applies to me

  0 1 2
I would like to make a difference in my field by sharing ideas, giving back.
I would like to help make my field better and address common issues.
I would like to have opportunities to have a voice on issues in my field.
I'm interested in meeting a community of other like-minded librarians to share ideas with.
I'm interested in joining a group where people learn together and contribute skills and knowledge.
I would like to have opportunities to connect and share ideas with others around meaningful issues related to librarianship.
I think collaboration is an important skill for the future and I would like to learn more about how and when to collaborate effectively.
I would like to learn new skills & tools that innovators use to come up with new ideas and solutions and think outside of the box.