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Thank you for your hard work for the success of our students. We are always seeking to improve our practice, and because of that, when answering the following questions, we are asking that you provide honest, reflective feedback. All responses are anonymous and the completion of the survey will take approximately 5 minutes.

Please respond by indicating how much you agree or disagree with the following statements and elaborate on the open ended questions.

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* 2. During the first week of school at Central, the campus Instructional Leaders were visible and helpful to students and adults.

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* 3. Our first campus PLCC was productive, structured and well planned.

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* 4. The 9 days of pre-service Professional Development helped me prepare for my first days of school; including the Discipline Management Training, Planning and Practicing Lessons with my team.

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* 5. During the first week of school the 2019-20 Intervention Guide PBIS was an effective resource that helped me to improve my classroom management.

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* 6. During the first week of school, the systems and routines of our campus were clearly communicated and supported i.e. lunch routines, dismissal routines and hallway transitions.

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* 7. A culture of high expectations and high quality instruction was the focus during the first week of school.

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* 8. During the first week, our staff demonstrated a caring and nurturing attitude towards the students and teachers.

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* 9. The building was kept clean and cool throughout the week.

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* 10. So far, I know what is expected of me when I arrive to work each day.

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* 11. I have the tools needed to be successful in my classroom i.e. computer, projector, adequate desks.

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* 12. Principal, Assistant Principals, Specialists and Supporting Staff make themselves available for assistance, questions and clarity.

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* 13. Please provide any other topic in which you need more support from the Leadership Team in order to become a more effective educator. Be specific. 

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