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* 1. What child/children are you completing the survey for? Please provide first and last name.

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* 2. Please provide your name and contact information to ensure that we have the correct information on file.

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* 3. Does your child have internet access available to them? (via cellphone, laptop, desktop, ipad, tablet, etc.)

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* 4. If you answered, "No", are you familiar with the designated pick-up sites for Learning Packets?

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* 5. If you answered,"Yes", please check all of the sites your child has accessed while out of school. (Select all that apply)

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* 6. Do you (parent) have access to ClassTag?

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* 7. If you answered, "No", would you like access to ClassTag?

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* 8. Did you know Parkway Village Elementary has a webpage, YouTube, and Facebook page?

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* 9. Did you know 5th grade has their own webpage?

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* 10. What would be the BEST METHOD for your child to learn away from school?

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