Eligible and qualified volunteers will be allowed to attend the NYS Middle School Youth and Government program Sunday November 24th at 2pm until Tuesday the 26nd at noon. If you are not able to come the entire time that is ok as long as pre-approved. The conference will be at the Desmond Hotel in Albany, and you will attend as part of the Resource Team. These volunteers will mentor young people through the Youth And Government Conference. This opportunity is open to anyone with Youth and Government experience. If they are still in High School, then they must have permission from their parents, Advisor, and if missing school, permission from the school will be required.
Volunteers must be in the 10th grade in High school or above. If selected there is no cost to be on the team, food and lodging are provided. Team members are responsible for arranging for their own travel to and from the conference. If you have any questions, contact LeAsia Royall at lroyall@ymcanys.org or 518-375-9456 Drew Caldwell by email dcaldwell@ymcanys.org or call 270-300-4798.

Application due September 30, 2024

Question Title

* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 7. Gender

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* 8. Your Cell Phone Number, or main contact phone number.  Please include only the numbers, no hyphens or parentheses. For example please enter 5551234567 not (555) 123-4567

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* 9. Your Email.  Please make sure it is spelled correctly, as this will be the way you receive communication about the program.  Please do not use a school based email address, as most have strong filters and often filter out our emails.

Question Title

* 10. Why do you want to be part of the resource team?