Horn Spoon Carving Survey

Dear Artist,

Within the next year Sealaska Heritage Institute is planning to offer one or more Mountain Goat Horn Spoon Mentor-Apprenticeships to experienced carvers in Southeast Alaska, and we need your help to determine how to best provide this training. 

Our biggest challenges are:
1) to identify one or more instructors who are able to teach horn spoon carving and;
2) to acquire appropriate horns for the Mentor-Apprenticeship.

None of these challenges are surprising to us since horn spoon carving has been identified as one of our endangered Northwest Coast art forms, but there is still time to turn things around, and with your help we hope we can prevent this art form from dying out completely. 

This is not an anonymous survey as we would like to follow up with anyone who can help us on the right track and let any potential apprentices know when we are ready to take applications.

Gunalchéesh, T'oyaxsn, Ha’w’aa for taking the time to help us by filling out his survey. We truly appreciate it!

Question Title

* 1. Address

Question Title

* 2. Do you know how to carve Mountain Goat horn spoons?