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* 1. Please share what you like most about AHIP’s Career Center. Choose up to three.

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* 2. What do you like least about AHIP’s Career Center?

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* 3. Please tell us which of the following package you use the most or find most beneficial to extend the reach of your job posting.

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* 4. Why did you choose the package above as your top preference?

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* 5. What would you like to see added to AHIP Career Center?

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* 6. In what months do you post most jobs? Please choose three.

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* 7. What type of promotion do you prefer?

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* 8. Do you prefer:

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* 9. What other job sites do you use?

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* 10. If you also use other job sites to post open positions, what percentage of the time do you use AHIP’s Career Center?

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* 11. Would you be willing to share a testimonial we may use to help promote AHIP’s Career Center?

If so please provide your name and email address so we may contact you.