TSG Connect Event Survey

We are planning to hold a TSG Connect Event in Q2 2023 in Brisbane. We are keen to hear your feedback to assist in our planning.

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* 1. Your Details (optional)

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* 3. How many stores do you represent?

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* 4. If the TSG Connect event is held in Brisbane will you attend?

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* 5. I would attend if the event is held on a Tuesday or Wednesday evening 6.30pm-9.15pm

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* 6. I would attend if the event is held on a Sunday afternoon

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* 7. The most important reason for me to attend a TSG Connect event is (please order responses most important to least important by numbering or dragging)

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* 8. If I can't attend the event I would log in to a Virtual event to catch up on content

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* 9. Please share any comments you would like us to know