This survey is part of the Oregon Renewable Energy Siting Assessment (ORESA) project, launched by the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) along with its project partners - the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) and the Oregon State University’s Institute of Natural Resources (INR) - which is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD).

The Conservation Biology Institute (CBI) is working closely with the Oregon DLCD and ODOE to collect and assess data and information relevant to renewable energy development planning.

The purpose of this survey is to obtain information to help identify opportunities and constraints from the perspective of multiple stakeholders from across the state. This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Please feel free to forward this survey to anyone who would be interested in contributing to this assessment.

For more information, go to the Project web page.

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* 1. Name (You may choose to be anonymous for this survey)

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* 3. Organization

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* 4. Job Title

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* 5. Email Address

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* 6. Zip Code

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* 7. What type(s) of utility scale renewable energy sources (any renewable energy project generating >1MW of power) are you interested in providing feedback on? Check those that apply:

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* 8. Please score renewable energy development considerations (5= high importance; 1= low importance).

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* 9. This ORESA project will create a mapping and reporting tool on the Oregon Explorer to inform site planning and decision making. What data and/or tool functions would be most helpful to you or your organization for related renewable energy planning and decision-making?

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* 10. Please score the following data and information categories in terms of importance to renewable energy planning (5= high importance; 1= low importance).

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* 11. What are the characteristics or conditions that lead to land use compatibility (opportunities) with renewable energy development? Please list.

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* 12. What are the characteristics or conditions that lead to land or ocean use challenges with renewable energy development? Please list.

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* 13. Are there any particular datasets, studies, or other information that you know of or have to offer that support renewable energy planning in the state? Please list title and source contact (where it can be found) for each item you list.

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* 14. Are there other individuals or organizations whose input would be valuable for this effort? Please provide their names and contact information, if possible.

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* 15. Can we contact you for further information?

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* 16. Is there anything else you would like to share related to the overall ORESA Project or the Natural Resources, Environment, and Development: Opportunities and Constraints Assessment?

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