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Thank you for participating in the 2023 Eugene Symphony Patron survey!

This survey is for single ticket buyers (non-subscribers) to Eugene Symphony. If this is not the right description of your relationship with Eugene Symphony, please see our other surveys. 

Please fill out the below questions to help us better understand our patrons and the community. 

Responses may be used anonymously in marketing or development communications. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any additional input not included in the survey.

Fill out your contact information at the end of this survey to be entered to win a free Compose Your Own 3-Concert package to Eugene Symphony's 2023/24 season!

Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

Question Title

* 1. When you are making entertainment plans, what sources do you visit to find activities to do?

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* 2. How important are the following factors on your decision to attend a live event?

  Very important Somewhat important Neutral Somewhat unimportant Not important
The specific music to be performed
The featured performers
The day and time of the performance
Transportation and parking convenience
Safety and security of the venue and surrounding area
Food and beverage options available at the venue
The cost of tickets

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* 3. How often do you attend live events, either with Eugene Symphony or with other organizations in the community?

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* 4. When you decide to attend an event, what are you hoping to gain from the experience?

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* 5. What improvements would you suggest to enhance the concert experience?

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* 6. Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following:

  Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neutral Somewhat unsatisfied Very unsatisfied
Overall experience
Artistic performance

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements:

  Very true Somewhat true Neutral Somewhat untrue Untrue
I feel welcome at Eugene Symphony
The performances are entertaining
The performances are impactful
I am likely to recommend Eugene Symphony to friends, family, colleagues

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* 8. What do you feel, think, or discover at a Eugene Symphony concert you attended this year?

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* 9. Typically, how far in advance do you plan leisure activities like going out to live performances?

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* 10. Please answer the following demographic questions (optional):

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* 11. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experiences with Eugene Symphony?

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* 12. Thank you for participating in our survey! Please fill out your contact information below if you wish to be entered in our giveaway for a Compose Your Own 3-Concert Package Subscription to our 2023/24 Season!

Thank you for sharing your experience with us! We'll see you soon!