Workshops by Request: Hometown Series - Participant Survey Question Title * Which Workshop by Request: Hometown Series did you participate in? OK Question Title * How did you find out about Workshops by Request? (Host theatre is the local theatre company which presented the workshop you attended) The host theatre's website Theatre Alberta's website The host theatre's socials (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) Theatre Alberta's socials (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) The host theatre's newsletter Theatre Alberta's newsletter (Theatre Buzz) Print advertising (brochure, poster, handbill) Word of mouth Other (please specify) OK Question Title * Please rate your overall satisfaction with Workshops by Request: Hometown Series Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor OK Question Title * Please comment on the most successful aspects of Workshops by Request: Hometown Series, what has impacted you, and your overall experience: OK Question Title * Please comment on any areas where your experience could have been improved: OK Question Title * Please rate your overall satisfaction with the instructor: Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor OK Question Title * Please comment on the instruction. Were your expectations met? How was the pacing of the expected content? Was the workshop developed at a skill level suited to your experience? OK Question Title * Would you attend another workshop hosted through Theatre Alberta? Yes No If Yes, what other topics are you interested in? OK Question Title * Do you subscribe to Theatre Alberta's e-newsletter, Theatre Buzz? Yes No I'm not sure No, but I would like to subscribe.By subscribing I agree to receive Theatre Alberta's monthly e-newsletter about the provincial theatre community. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. (please enter email): OK Question Title * Please indicate any OTHER Theatre Alberta programs/services that you have engaged with (check all that apply): Artstrek Classified Ads Emerge Library Playbill Workshops by Request - Rocky Mountain Series IBPOC Mentorship None of these Other (please specify) OK Question Title * May we contact you if we have any follow-up questions about your responses? No thank you. Yes, you can reach me at this email: OK Question Title * Would you like to become a member of Theatre Alberta? Individual memberships are Pay-What-You-Can and Membership benefits include: - Access to Canada’s largest fully-circulating Theatre Library- Free posting of classifieds on Theatre Alberta's website- Access to scholarships for Workshops by Request: Rocky Mountain Series- And so much more! Yes I'm not sure, I want to learn more about Theatre Alberta memberships No, I am already a member No Other (please specify) OK NEXT