Dance Jobs and Salaries Survey

Please complete one survey per position.  You may include as many positions as possible.  Survey data is anonymous and will be made publicly available through the Dance Entrepreneurs Funding Think Tank Blog.  Information will be refreshed quarterly or as appropriate and frequency will depend upon the number of completed surveys received and the rate of receipt.

Question Title

* 1. Title of Position

Question Title

* 2. Provide the City and State in which this Position took place

Question Title

* 3. Name of the institution or organization

Question Title

* 4. Please provide the salary.  (Include hourly, monthly, annual, contract, commission, etc)

Question Title

* 5. Which Category best describes this position? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 6. Please provide your qualifications

Question Title

* 7. Provide useful information about this position for someone else considering employment with this institution.