2023 - 2024 LCCA Board of Directors Ballot

Please vote for your LCCA Board of Directors!

As a Member-in-Good-Standing of the Leadership Corpus Christi Alumni Association (LCCA), you have the privilege and responsibility of electing the leadership of the organization. 
The 2023 Nominating Committee has presented the names below for your consideration.  Please choose five (5) from the list as we have a total of five (5) positions to fill on the LCCA Board of Directors for 2023-2024. The five candidates who receive the highest number of votes will join the LCCA Board of Directors.  Other names will be given to the Board Chair for appointment consideration should the need arise within the fiscal year.
Additionally, you will vote for the Nominating Committee tasked with prepping the ballot for the 2024-2025 LCCA Board of Directors.  Choose two (2) from the list presented below.

Also below are four proposed changes to the By-Laws.  Please vote to Accept or Reject the proposed changes.
Ballots may be cast in one of four ways: 1) Online using the Survey Monkey link; 2) Dropped off at LCC Graduation; 3) Emailed to leadershipccainfo@gmail.com or 4) Mailed to Leadership Corpus Christi Alumni, P.O. Box 60031, Corpus Christi, Texas 78466.
Ballots must be received no later than Thursday, May 18 by the close of LCCA Annual Meeting/LCC 51 Graduation.  Election results will be announced via email and posted on the Alumni website at www.LCCAlumni.com.
LCCA Chair - Kent Young, LCC 49                            
LCCA Immediate Past Chair - Kim Griffin, LCC 44
Full Name(Required.)
VOTE REQUIRED - 2023 - 2024 NOMINATING COMMITTEE - VOTE FOR UP TO TWO (2) ONLY.  Chair Running Unopposed - JJ Hart, LCC 39

 1)      In Section 3.1 Qualifications of Membership

Current language:

Annual dues payments are effective from January through December of each calendar year and are due no later than April 1 of each year.

Proposed language:

Annual dues payments are effective from June through May of each calendar year and are due no later than June 1st of each year.
2)      In Section 5.2.5 Number, Tenure and Qualifications

Current language:

The current Leadership Corpus Christi Class Chair, shall be appointed to serve a one (1) year term on the Board, unless the Class Chair is currently serving an elected term on the Board.  This one-year appointment to the Board would be in addition to the nine to fifteen elected board members.

Proposed language:

The current Leadership Corpus Christi Class Chair shall be appointed as a non-voting member to serve a one (1) year term on the Board, unless the Class Chair is currently serving an elected term on the Board.  If the class chair is currently an elected board member, they maintain their one vote.  This one-year appointment to the board does not affect 5.2.1.
3)      In Section 8.2 Fiscal Year

Current language:

The Fiscal Year of LCC Alumni will be from July 1 through June 30 of each year.

Proposed language:

The fiscal year of LCC Alumni will be from August 1st, through July 31st of each year.
4)      In Section 8.3 Parliamentary Authority

Current language:

Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by these Bylaws or by specific rules of procedure adopted by this organization.

Proposed language:

Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by these Bylaws or by specific rules of procedure adopted by this organization.  Parliamentary oversight will be governed by the Past Chair and the current By-Laws Committee Chair.