
Thank you for agreeing to take part in MENTOR Minnesota Mentoring Survey. MENTOR Minnesota is looking for organization leaders to answer questions related to:
  1. Your mentoring program
  2. Your successes, challenges, and needs
  3. MENTOR Minnesota’s services.
The goal of this survey is to have data that will allow us to better advocate for and with you, better speak to mentoring in Minnesota, and provide resources to help your growth. 
Who should answer this survey: An organization leader such as an ED, Program Director, or informed member of your executive team. This survey can be done as a team, but we want only one survey per organization. If you operate mentoring programs at multiple sites (such as a mentoring program operating in both Minneapolis and Rochester), you will have an opportunity to share that information here. If you are a fiscal sponsor of a mentoring program please do not answer on behalf of your sponsored program (eg: a BBBS mentoring program can answer for any of their BBBS programs, but not for a separate entity that utilizes their sponsorship). 
If you are an independent mentoring program within a larger nonprofit please answer the following questions as it relates to only your mentoring program (eg: YA! To CLUES or University Y to the YMCA)

To support you in answering this survey, we define the following terms:
  1. Organization: The nonprofit or fiscal sponsor of your program if different from your mentoring program
  2. Mentoring Program: A unique mentoring experience or model that includes matching young people to mentors. Your Mentoring Program may have multiple sites under the same name. If these sites utilize the same evaluations, methods, or names they should be considered the same mentoring program for the purposes of this survey. 
If you have any questions while filling out the survey, please email sarah.schaefer@mentormn.org.