Vermont Sludge Survey

This survey is anonymous, unless you wish to provide your contact information at the end of the survey. The Green Mountain Water Environment Association (GMWEA) and the North East Biosolids & Residuals Association (NEBRA) are partnering to collect data from Vermont wastewater treatment facilities about current sludge management issues. Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated, and your answers are collected for the purpose of tracking and reporting the environmental, economic, and social considerations of biosolids/sludge management in Vermont. If you have questions about this survey, please contact Janine Burke-Wells at NEBRA (

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* 1. Do you anticipate changes in your current contract or pricing for biosolids management/disposal services?

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* 2. What does your utility pay for biosolids/sludge management?

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* 3. How much biosolids/sludge did your utility produce in 2022?

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* 4. Where does your utility currently discharge biosolids/sludge? Check all that apply:

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* 5. Have you had operational difficulties with biosolids/sludge disposal pickups?

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* 6. How long can your facility store sludge (in days)?

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* 7. Does your facility have a primary biosolids/sludge disposal option that is secure at this time?

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* 8. Does your facility have a backup biosolids/sludge disposal option?

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* 9. Has your team communicated about the impacts of rising biosolids/sludge disposal costs with your sewer users and your community?

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* 10. Has your team made operational changes such as septic receiving, industrial pretreatment practices, dewatering equipment, drying equipment, etc. to manage the impacts of PFAS?

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* 11. Would you be willing to discuss your utility’s costs in more detail with GMWEA and NEBRA?