The Town of Strasbourg Council will soon deliberate and determine the 2019 Operating and Capital Budgets. The Operating Budget covers expenditures and revenues associated with the day-to-day provision of services. The Capital Budget covers expenditures used to acquire, construct or improve infrastructure, buildings or machinery and equipment used to provide municipal services with a benefit lasting beyond one year. The following survey should take about 5 minutes and results will give Town Council a sense of your priorities before budget deliberations begin.

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* 1. Are you a Town of Strasbourg resident?

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* 2. What is your age bracket?

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* 3. Rank, in order of importance (1 being the most important and 6 the least important), the areas in which you would like to see improved service from the Town of Strasbourg.

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* 4. Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Town of Strasbourg to focus on each of the following in the next two years:

  Not Important Somewhat Important Very important
Street Repair
Water & Sewer Infrastructure Repair
Beautification of Town
Long-term economic development and marketing strategy to attract new businesses and residents

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* 5. Occasionally, the Town needs to make choices on how to balance its operating budget. Which of the following approaches, if any, would you most prefer?

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* 6. What is your preferred method of providing additional municipal funding for programs and services? (Check one)

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* 7. Which statement best represents your position regarding taxation in the Town of Strasbourg?

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* 8. How do you prefer to receive information about the Town of Strasbourg programs or services? Please select any that apply.

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* 9. What methods should the Town of Strasbourg undertake to solicit input from residents when major decisions are being contemplated? Check all that apply.

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* 10. Sometimes the smallest things we can do for our community have the biggest impact. Do you have a project or idea that could positively impact the Town of Strasbourg?

As well, please provide any additional comments for the Town Council and Administration in preparation for the 2019 Budget. Thank you for taking our survey!