Town of Wiscasset Broadband Survey

1.What is your address or name of your road?
2.Are you responding to this survey as a household, a business, a remote
worker, or in another capacity? Please check all that apply.
3.Do you have internet service at this address?
4.If no, please check why and skip to question 9
5.What type of internet service do you have?

Companies are listed next to their service
6.What is the monthly cost of your internet service? If bundled, please note your other services, such as phone or cable tv
7.Are you satisfied with your current internet service?
8.If not, check all that apply
9.Are you interested in free training/classes on how to better use the internet and devices? These classes are also available if you do not have internet and do not have an internet device.
10.If yes, check all that apply
11.Are you aware of the Affordable Connectivity Program, which gives qualifying low-income households a $30 per month credit toward their internet bill?
12.Do you have any questions, comments, or would like more information on the Wiscasset Broadband Committee's effort to make affordable high-speed internet accessible to all Wiscasset residents or the Affordable Connectivity Program? Add your email or phone number and we'll get back to you!
13.What is your internet speed? Upload and download, Check at
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered