The Penfield Public Library serves as the hub of our community, offering educational and popular materials, a casual place to meet for quiet conversations, programs for all ages, meeting rooms, and computers, printers & scanners for your personal needs.  The Trustees and staff of the Penfield Public Library are looking ahead to the future in order to meet our community's everchanging expectations. Help us design a long term strategic plan for the Library by completing this short survey. 

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* 1. What do you like most about the Penfield Public Library?

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* 2. Think ahead for the future of your library. What services would you like to see in the next five years? Check as many boxes as you like.

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* 3. Our library facility was last renovated in 2000. With which of the following statements do you agree.

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* 4. If you chose a new or renovated facility as your answer to Question Three, which of the following are important to you. Please check as many choices as you like.

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* 5. The Library has a monthly eNewsletter, filled with information about library services and programs. If you are interested in receiving our eNewsletter, please click here: Sign up for Library newsletter
Or, if you prefer, type your email address in the box and we will sign you up for the eNewsletter.

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* 6. If you had one wish for PPL over the next five years, what would it be?

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* 7. Do you currently hold a Penfield Public Library card? If not, please tell us why.

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* 8. The Penfield Public Library Foundation was established in 2019 to accept contributions and bequests for the Penfield Public Library. Special enhancements are chosen yearly by the Penfield Public Library based on Library needs and available Foundation funds. 
The Penfield Public Library Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.  All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.  
The PPL Foundation is currently looking for board members and volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering with the Foundation or learning more about what the Foundation does for our community, please provide your name and contact information here: