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* 1. With regard to your company's current implementation of GDPR, would you consider your implementation to have been:

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* 2. How confident are you of understanding and meeting the full implications of GDPR?

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* 3. What are the top 3 areas where you consider your company's GDPR implementation to be best (on whatever criteria you wish to define) - Please identify topic area and 2-3 sentences on that implementation

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* 4. What are the top 2 issues or challenges that remain for your business with regard to GDPR - Please identify topic area and 2-3 sentences on that issue/challenge

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* 5. In addition to items at 4, are there any specific topics/issues you would like to see included in any GDPR guidance document for the mobile ecosystem?

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* 6. For companies operating outside GDPR areas (inc. UK post Brexit) are there any issues or areas you would like to highlight as needing discussion?

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* 7. In order of importance which ones of the following are the top 2 elements of GDPR where you think more guidance is necessary?

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* 8. Are you planning to invest further for the implementation of GDPR?