What are your ideas?

We want to hear from YOU! Here are three questions designed to get your most important messages back to your Council. Please add your ideas to help shape Indigo Shire over the coming years.

Question Title

* 1. What is your one “Big Idea” for the Indigo Shire that could start in the next four years to make it a better place? For example: Better public transport, a carbon neutral Indigo Shire

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* 2. If you could change something to create a better future in the Indigo Shire, what would it be? For example: Increase internet and mobile phone connections to attract more businesses, create stronger health service links, focus on local food and agriculture, push for solar panels on all homes

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* 3. If you could have the Council improve one thing that it does over the next four years, what would it be? For example: Improve our road networks, create opportunities to retain young people

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* 4. Additional comments