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This survey is part of a research study from the Carnegie Mellon University. Contact our study team at Further details about our research can be found at our webpage.
Participation in this research is voluntary, and might take around 5 minutes. You have the right to withdraw from the survey at any time. Also, you must be at least 18 years old to participate. Your responses to this survey will be used in research, but your responses will be de-identified first (i.e., we will remove any reference to your email or name that could be used to directly identify you). If you want, we can also keep your specific API examples confidential. We will take precautions to keep your information secure, and all identifying information confidential. That said, there is a risk of breach of confidentiality. There are no other risks outside those of normal internet browsing.

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* 1. I confirm that all the following are correct:
  • I am 18 years or older.
  • I have read and understand the information above.
  • I am OK with participating in this survey.

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* 2. Please check this box if you want us to keep your answer private: we will use your answer for our research, but will not include your example in our publications.

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* 3. Please paste in the boilerplate code snippet here.
By "boilerplate", we are referring to the annoying instances when you have to write more code than what feels necessary to make something work.

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* 4. Where did you find this boilerplate code? Please provide a link here if you have one (e.g., the URL for the GitHub file, StackOverflow post, Reddit, API Documentation page, etc)

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* 5. Why did you think this is boilerplate code?
Please try to explain in as much detail as possible.

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* 6. If you are okay with any follow-up survey or interview on this example, please provide your contact information. (optional)

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